Filtering by tag: "window safety"
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Window Safety | How You Can Help to Cultivate Positive Relationships with Your Products

The Window Safety Task Force was formed in 1997 to provide education to help parents and caregivers prevent window falls. Upon joining the task force (and the fenestration industry) in 2004, I could immediately see the benefit of this important work; however, I didn’t really have any skin in the game. Now, I have 21 years of industry experience under my belt and serve as the co-chair of the WSTF, while also being the mother of two amazing kids and the neighborhood “window safety lady.”As...

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Extending the Reach of Window Safety from Plant Floors to Family Homes

The first full week of April each year is designated as Window Safety Week – a time to focus on simple tips to keep children safe around windows. This year, Window Safety Week will be observed April 7-13, so there’s plenty of time to consider how you’d like to help spread the word of window safety. As an FGIA member, it’s in your company’s best interest to foster only the most positive interactions with your products – both for your customers and employees. For one...

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Engage with Kids on the Topic of Window Safety

As a parent, it can be hard to talk to your kids about certain subjects. You don’t want to talk down to them, but you don’t want the language to be too complicated either. We’ve got you covered for at least one tough topic – keeping kids safe around windows. There are several resources available from the Window Safety Task Force (WSTF) to make this easier. Here are the steps I practiced with my own kids (and fellow parents), and I hope you will, too.Color...

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Empower Your Employees with Window Safety Knowledge

It is finally spring! I hope you have been enjoying the warmer weather outdoors as much as my family has. As always, with higher temperatures comes the challenge of ensuring the practice of good window safety. Companies that manufacture fenestration and glazing products for residential or commercial markets can benefit from having window safety knowledge on hand – being proactive and informed shows your customers you care about their wellbeing and that of their families. Read on for why your company should take up the cause...

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Teaching Kids (and Parents) about Window Safety

As a parent, it can be hard to talk to your kids about certain subjects. You don’t want to talk down to them, but you don’t want the language to be too complicated either. We’ve got you covered for at least one tough topic – keeping kids safe around windows. There are several resources available from the Window Safety Task Force (WSTF) to make this easier. Here are the steps I practiced with my own kids (and fellow parents), and I hope you will, too.Color...

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Schedule Social Media Posts Now for Window Safety Week April 3-9

As I write this, it is snowing outside my window in the Mid Ohio Valley. It’s March, which means it is still technically winter, but we can see warmer weather on the horizon. As spring arrives, it is an important reminder to keep an eye on young children near open windows, which can be dangerous if they are not properly supervised. Luckily, the Window Safety Task Force shares resources and tips each spring to commemorate Window Safety Week, the first full week of April each...

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